Member-only story
Polygon’s Pajeet soft rugs are its greatest tragedy
DISCLAIMER: Who’s blaming ALL indians? I’m not. its just an observation of tragedy because of the irony. polygon the chain with the most expedient defi applications invented by COOL AND BRILLIANT INDIANs but also plagued by their brethren nefarious activities on the same chain. WHY IS IT RACIST TO MAKE THAT POINT?
The Indian variety is easily the world’s most infamous group of Internet scam artists. Crypto is their latest hangout. Polygon is a home creation by, incidentally, three of their brethren and the hottest platform in Decentralized Finance. Unsurprisingly, Indian scammers have found their way into DeFi’s wild west. I’m sure there are just as many scammers of other ethnic descent and I’m not known for my nationalistic pride either — but it is purely a nerdy point of interest in pointing out such an irony. This is in no way meant to be racist but purely to provide information other Internet sleuths might find helpful. If anything, my agenda is to forment the continued viability of high yielding yield farms amid the gestalt of DeFi.
I had the displeasure of working as a content writer for a yield farm recently called PolyGoon. Wrote 4 articles for them, took $1250 in DAI (founder actually sent 0 DAI the first time). The day before I was fired an Indian developer begged me to forgo my second week’s pay because he had a family…